This feared, and generally misunderstood, procedure for handling disability as well as death is available to the citizenry of our state to provide accountability, transparency and protection that is not equally available through other techniques. For more than 28 years we have handled probate matters in numerous counties throughout Missouri, including Clay County, Jackson County and Ray County. We welcome the opportunity to remove the mystery and fear of the probate process and guide you through this orderly process.The loss of a loved one is a traumatic event. Whether your loved one died intestate (without a will) or testate (with a will) dealing with the additional financial ramifications and implications following that loved one’s death can be overwhelming. We are here to help. At the law firm of Allen Law, our probate attorneys have decades of probate court experience to assist you in your time of need. Whether you need to probate a will or you are contesting a will one of our elder law attorneys and probate attorneys can help. Please give us a call and make us your probate law firm.